Routing Software for Beverage Distributor | | OnTerra Systems USA

Beverage Distributor Routing Case Study

When it comes to efficiently delivering wine, beer & spirits to liquor stores & restaurants, is the route optimization software of choice for beverage distributor routing. Beverage distributor routing of deliveries is particularly challenging because there are so many deliveries going to many different locations & venues. That’s when RouteSavvy comes into play as a powerful tool to help get those deliveries done efficiently and using less gas.

Crossroad Vintners Uses To Save Time & Money!

We recently interviewed the folks at Crossroad Vintners, a successful & busy beer, wine & liquor distributor, about how RouteSavvy is helping their business. Crossroad Vintners covers a lot of ground with its deliveries, i.e. a good portion of the state of Indiana. That means that the staff starts at dawn with picking orders & loading the vans, followed by drivers that literally range from one end of the state to the other end.

This makes for a long day behind the steering wheel for Crossroad Vintner’s drivers. RouteSavvy is there to help by generating efficient routes that save time & save on the company’s fuel spend. Of note, virtually every research study on fleet expenses confirms that the fuel spend hovers around 60% of fleet operating costs. So, when you drive fewer miles because of more efficient routing, it can make a significant & positive dent in your biggest fleet operating expense.

RouteSavvy’s Ease of Use Helped Crossroad Vintners Learn To Optimize Routes Fast

In addition to saving Crossroad Vintners money, RouteSavvy also saves them time. The new manager faced a trial by fire, because his predecessor left for another job opportunity just 3 days after the new manager joined the team. He watched the departing manager optimize routes with RouteSavvy in 3 short sessions, and then was on his own. The good news: New manager Tom Spencer was using RouteSavvy to optimize routes by the 4th day on the job because RouteSavvy is designed with a friendly, intuitive user interface that helps lead users through the process of route optimization.

Want to learn more about this beverage distributor routing case study from Crossroad Vintners? Read the full case study.

Want to learn more about how RouteSavvy helps delivery businesses get to a new level of efficiency? Try RouteSavvy’s Free, 14-Day Trial.

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