Coming in May: A Focus On How To Reduce Fleet Fuel Costs

Coming in May: A Focus On How To Reduce Fleet Fuel Costs

The age-old challenge of fleet managers is to reduce operating expenses like fleet fuel costs, in order to boost profitability. In May, we’ll be focusing on how RouteSavvy helps reduce fleet fuel costs by reducing miles driven.

It’s common sense that the fewer miles driven to accomplish the same delivery, pick-up, or service call schedule is going to save money, wear-and-tear on your fleet, and reduce your carbon footprint.

What many fleet managers of small to mid-sized fleets don’t know is how MUCH they can reduce their fuel spend using today’s route optimization technologies, also known as route planners.

In May, we’ll run the numbers and show sample calculations on how much you can reduce fleet fuel costs using route optimization tools like RouteSavvy. Even incremental savings every day start to add up. By the end of the year, the amount of money that’s been saved by using route planning software tools like RouteSavvy usually leaves most fleet managers and company owners mind-boggled. In fact, most of our customers say: “I should have done this years ago” when they see the savings they have achieved.

Of course, there are other cost savings and benefits that occur when you deploy route planner software for a small to mid-sized fleet. Overtime labor costs usually drop. Customer satisfaction increases. Productivity increases, and so on.

Automotive Fleet Magazine’s annual fleet fuel spend analysis found that fuel was 60 percent of a fleet’s operating costs. Fleet owners have little to no control over the pricing of diesel and gasoline as prices fluctuate because of seasonal driving demand and by weather conditions. But route optimization software helps managers of small to mid-sized fleets even the score when it comes to reducing fuel costs by helping reduce miles driven. Visit, and check out our blogs in May to learn more about how route optimization helps reduce fleet fuel costs, and with a surprisingly modest investment.

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