Dog By Christmas Tree | Holiday Delivery Routing Software | RouteSavvy

RouteSavvy = Powerful, Affordable Holiday Delivery Routing Software

Businesses & non-profits with products to deliver for the holidays should deploy holiday delivery routing software tools like RouteSavvy to improve operations at this pending busy time of the year.

What Is Holiday Delivery Routing Software?

Holiday delivery routing software is a practical, affordable tool that can improve operations at the holidays (or any time of year), streamline deliveries, reduce operating costs & improve revenue. Routing software tools like RouteSavvy can make the difference between your holiday deliveries being profitable, or actually losing money on local home deliveries to customers.

In simple terms, the route planner uploads the addresses for the day’s holiday deliveries, uses the routing software to generate the most efficient route, and then exports the route to the driver.

Why Do You Need Routing Software for Holiday Deliveries?

For any business or non-profit seeking to deliver goods during the holiday season, holiday delivery route planning software is an absolute MUST. Why?

During the holiday season:

A high volume of goods must be delivered within a short window of time. Routing software helps achieve this through more efficient routing.

Overtime labor costs significantly increase. Drivers often have to work overtime to get the deliveries completed, resulting in extra labor costs. Routing software helps reduce overtime labor by getting more of the job done during standard business hours.

Many perishable items are delivered. This makes it even more important to get deliveries into the hands of recipients as quickly and efficiently as possible.

For many businesses, the bulk of their revenue is generated during the holiday season. When your business relies of holiday income to keep going for the rest of the year, it’s even more important to complete as many deliveries as possible. Route planning software facilitates this by allowing even more deliveries to be completed in a day or a week, thanks to more efficient routing.

How To Choose the Right Routing Software for Holiday Deliveries

Here’s a short list of attributes to seek when you’re looking to procure holiday delivery routing software:

Attribute 1: Delivery management functions

The route planning software you purchase should have delivery management functions built into the software, including signature capture for proof of delivery; photo capture for proof of delivery; and the ability to notify a customer that their package has been delivered. RouteSavvy offers this functionality at a lower price than many other route planning software tools.

Attribute 2: Ability to change routes on the fly

During the busy holiday season, it’s common to add another delivery unexpectedly. As a result, your route planning software should allow the ability to move stops (deliveries) up and down in the route as needed. RouteSavvy allows the capability of manually moving stops as needed, either to shoehorn another stop into the route, or to make a high-priority or emergency delivery that’s moved higher on the list for faster drop-off.


Attribute 3: Ability to export the route to a driver’s smartphone or tablet

Holiday traffic requires a focus on the road. By exporting the optimized route to a driver’s smartphone or tablet, the driver can concentrate on safe driving. RouteSavvy can export the route to a driver’s phone or tablet, and then tie into mapping apps for turn-by-turn navigation.


Attribute 4: Affordability

Routing software makes a huge difference in the bottom line by reducing fuel costs through more efficient routing (60% of a fleet’s budget), and by generating more revenue (more deliveries can be completed thanks to more efficient routes). But the routing software must be affordable to make its use financially feasible. RouteSavvy costs a modest amount per month, RouteSavvy has a starting base subscription cost of a $99 one-time activation fee and then just $30 per month.

Top 5 Benefits of Using Holiday Delivery Routing Software


Benefit 1: More efficient deliveries

Benefit 2: Shoehorn more deliveries into your schedule, daily, weekly & monthly

Benefit 3: Handle “emergency” or high-priority deliveries as needed

Benefit 4: Provide a delivery was completed

Benefit 5: Significantly reduce your costs of delivery

As we move into the holiday season, route planning software helps business navigate a stressful, high-pressure time with streamlined deliveries, more deliveries, and lower operating costs. Deploy RouteSavvy now and get ready for a more efficient, streamlined season of holiday deliveries.

Want to take RouteSavvy for a test drive & learn about its holiday delivery capabilities? Contact us for a DEMO today.

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