How To Increase Service Call Revenue with RouteSavvy Route Planning Software

How RouteSavvy Helps Increase Service Call Revenue

When you’re in the business of providing service calls, there’s only so much revenue you can generate because there are only so many hours in the day. For service business owners looking for strategies to increase service call revenue, RouteSavvy route planning software and its new service call management mobile app are the answer.

3 Ways RouteSavvy Route Planning Software Helps Increase Service Call Revenue


Generate More Service Revenue Per Week

When it comes to shoehorning more service calls into a week, route planning software is a business owner’s best friend. When you use route planning software, you generate more efficient routing for your service calls and drive fewer miles to get to the service locations. As all the time savings add up, service businesses typically can shoehorn some more service calls into the week’s schedule.

When your service techs spend less time on the road and more time fixing things or providing needed services (plumbing, electrical, repair work, etc.), those extra service calls add up to more revenue that can go straight to the bottom line.

Let’s review how this would work for a typical electrician business.

  • Hourly electrician rate = $100/hour
  • 3 extra service hours per week = $300
  • Extra revenue per month = $1,200
  • Extra revenue per year = $14,400 MORE revenue per year

What small business owner couldn’t use more dollars in their bank account? The extra revenue that comes from more efficient routing of service calls can help buy new equipment, provide bonuses to retain key staff members, pay for better health insurance, or go into savings for a “rainy day.”

Better Customer Retention

Every marketing study on the planet shows that customer service & timely service are key factors in consumers choosing to stay or leave a vendor. The RouteSavvy mobile app has powerful service management functions that help retain customers. For example, the RouteSavvy mobile app (an add-on to the main RouteSavvy route planning software) ports critical information to a service tech’s cell phone or tablet, and offers service management functions that appeal to and retain customers. The RouteSavvy mobile app allows service techs to photograph their work to prove it was completed; collect customer signatures; and much more.

More consumers than ever expect companies to arrive in a timely fashion; provide notifications that the tech is on their way to the customer site; provide photo and signature capture & more. The RouteSavvy mobile app provides these critically important service call management functions for a modest monthly, per-vehicle fee.

Better Service Tech Accountability

Let’s face it. When a service tech is using one of the businesses vehicles, there’s always the opportunity to spend a few extra minutes on personal errands, or just idling somewhere playing a game on a smart phone. That lost time & lost fuel is a “ghost cost” that hurts many businesses. What’s more, managers often don’t even know they’re losing valuable time and money. GPS tracking is a key technology that helps prevent personal use of company vehicles and the loss of money that goes with it.

The RouteSavvy mobile app offers innovative, affordable GPS tracking technology with an app that loads onto the service tech’s smartphone. That app allows managers back at the main office an at-a-glance view of the vehicle’s location. This provides service tech accountability – and it also allows managers to see where a tech is located on his or her route, and re-route them if a customer calls in an emergency.

Traditional GPS tracking systems have proved too expensive for most small services businesses. Why? Traditional GPS systems require the purchase of expensive hardware that attaches to each fleet vehicle. There’s usually a monthly subscription fee per vehicle as well. When you must buy hardware & software for every vehicle in the fleet, the cost can prove too expensive for small businesses.

In contrast, the RouteSavvy mobile app + smartphone-based GPS tracking is available for the modest fee of $15 per vehicle per month. This functionality usually pays for itself in the first month of use.

Whether your business is facing good times or hard times, it’s always healthy to eliminate wasted time, wasted fuel, and wasted opportunities. RouteSavvy route planning software & the RouteSavvy mobile app allow service businesses an opportunity to save money on operating expenses, and make money by increasing service call revenue.

Interested in a DEMO of RouteSavvy Route Planning Software and the RouteSavvy Mobile App? CONTACT us to schedule a free one-on-one demo!

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