Check out these tips on how to increase productivity of deliveries, pick-ups & service calls through route optimization software tools like

How To Increase Productivity for Deliveries, Pick-ups & Service Calls With Route Optimization

When it comes to ideas on how to increase productivity for organizations involved in deliveries, pick-ups, or service calls, route optimization software is not always the solution that comes to mind first. But if you have a productivity initiative, or a desire to increase the number of service calls, deliveries, or pick-ups you can do in a day, a week, or a month, then route optimization software should be on your list.

Web-based route optimization is affordable, and subscription based – and among its many benefits, you will find that it increases productivity and allows you to increase the number of service calls, deliveries, or pick-ups you can perform. Let’s look at how this happens.

When you deploy web-based route optimization software, the first thing that happens is that you get more efficient routing. More efficient routing leads to all sorts of benefits, including a reduced fuel spend, reduced overtime labor costs…and the ability to handle more service calls, deliveries or pick-ups.

An Example of How To Increase Productivity With Route Optimization Software

The more efficient routing achieved when you use route optimization software saves time as well as money. Anyone in business running an organization knows that saving enough time that allows you to do more business is gold. When you can add additional service calls, deliveries, or pick-ups into the schedule consistently over the year, the increased revenue can really add up – which can go straight to the bottom line in profit, or which can provide additional revenue to expand your business or organization.

Let’s look at some hypothetical numbers for Joe’s Plumbing Company.

According to Home Advisor, the average hourly rate of a plumber is between $45/hour and $150/hour, and the cost of a typical plumbing job involving a house call is between $160 and $430.

For simple math, we’ll say the hourly rate is $100/hour, and the typical house call ends up costing $300.

Joe decides to deploy a route optimization software tool like RouteSavvy, and each day, he inputs the addresses, and gets a more efficient, optimized route for the day’s service calls. As he’s going through the day, he drives less miles and arrives at customer calls earlier. The customers are REALLY happy that he arrives early. As he moves through the morning, he’s running ahead of schedule.

At noon, he gets an emergency call from someone with a serious plumbing issue. Because he’s running ahead of schedule, he takes the extra job, and promises to shoe-horn them into the schedule at the end of the day when his other service calls are done.

Thanks to more efficient routing, Joe finishes his service calls by 4 pm and heads over to the emergency call added to the day’s schedule. He fixes the problem. The extra call adds $150 to the day’s revenue.

If we assume Joe can add just 1 more call at $150 every week thanks to more efficient routing, for 50 weeks out of the year (allowing 2 weeks for vacation), he will earn an extra $7,500.

This illustrates the powerful and positive effect that affordable, web-based route planning software can have on a small business or non-profit.

If you’ve been thinking about adding route planning software to more efficiently route the vehicles in your small to mid-sized fleet, you owe it to yourself and your business to add this powerful, affordable productivity booster to your operations. What’s more, RouteSavvy costs just $300 per year. What business owner wouldn’t spend $300 to make an additional $7,500? Bottom line, the Return-on-Investment (ROI) for web-based route optimization software is massive.

Considering route planning software for your business or organization? Check out RouteSavvy from USA-based OnTerra Systems. RouteSavvy costs just $25 a month for up to 3 users, and has been proven over the years to save thousands of dollars each year. Learn more about RouteSavvy at Or test drive this affordable, effective route planning software with our Free, 14-day Trial.

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