RouteSavvy Helps Reduce Time Spent on Route Planning For Office Staff

When it comes to planning more efficient routes for deliveries, pick-ups, service & sales calls, it’s a huge boost to operations when office staff can reduce time spent on route planning. RouteSavvy route planning software is a cost-effective way to make this a reality

MANUAL Route Planning Wastes Office Staff Time

RouteSavvy users who switched from manual route planning to RouteSavvy universally report that manual route planning took hours of their time per day and per week. In contrast, RouteSavvy generates the most efficient route in just minutes.

The Manual Route Planning Process Is Tedious & Inefficient

The typical manual route planning process is time-consuming, tedious, and ineffective. Manual route planning involves reviewing the various stops, looking at Google Maps and “guess-timating” the most efficient sequence of deliveries, pick-ups, sales calls, or service calls. When a driver actually drives the route, they often can make some judgements about how to re-order the stops.

Unfortunately, manual routing takes HOURS of an office staff’s time – and the results still aren’t right or efficient.

RouteSavvy Customers Speak Out On How Much Time & Money They’re Saving

Several RouteSavvy customers commented on the amount of time they spent on manual routing, and how much time they’re saving now that RouteSavvy is being deployed. Here are some examples of how much time and money RouteSavvy customers are saving:

Caritas In-home Primary Care Saves A Half Day of Work Time Each Week

“When we were just getting this business started, it was just me and one practitioner. We started manually developing routes using Google Maps, and switched over to RouteSavvy as soon as it made sense. We’re now seeing about 100 patients a week across four counties, and optimizing the routes with RouteSavvy. If we had to manually develop the routes, it would be inefficient, time-intensive, and would probably take us half a day every week.” – Mary Ann Cox, Chief Financial Officer

Cartridge World Printer Supply Company

“With free maps, there’s a lot of manual work. With RouteSavvy, we specify the stops for the day, hit the ‘optimize’ button once, review the route, easily re-arrange stops if needed, and we’re off to the races. The efficiency we got from RouteSavvy is completely worth the modest cost.” – Josh Park, Operations Director

Fit Fixins’ Healthy Meal Delivery Company Saves More Than $3,000 Per Year in Office Staff Time, Thanks To RouteSavvy

“It used to take us more than 3 hours to manually plan routes. Now we can plan all our routes in 30 minutes to 1 hour, twice a week. As a result, this saves us 4 hours per week; 16 hours per month; and 208 hours per year – at a rate of $15/hour. This equates to staff time savings of $3,120 per year, and RouteSavvy only costs us $300 per year.” – Chelsia Tiger, Owner

The bottom line is that all office managers or fleet managers can reduce time spent on route planning by making the switch to RouteSavvy route planning software. There are obvious benefits & cost savings from driving fewer miles & reducing the fuel spend (which average 60% of a fleet’s operating budget.) But the universal adage: “Time is money” also applies to the time savings office staff achieve when they switch from manual “guess-routing” to accurate, efficient routes generated in minutes by RouteSavvy.

Interested in reducing the time spent on route planning? Contact the RouteSavvy team for a Free, one-on-one DEMO.

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