Truck Driver | Negative Physical Effects of Commercial Driving | RouteSavvy Route Planning Software

RouteSavvy Helps Ease Negative Physical Effects of Commercial Driving

More and more medical research shows the negative physical effects of commercial driving and the prolonged sitting associated with those have jobs that involve driving all day (or night). As these detrimental physical effects of long hours behind the steering wheel become more apparent, fleet managers need to be looking for affordable technologies to mitigate those negative physical effects of commercial driving.

Given that commercial drivers are in a sitting position at the wheel for hours each day, it’s common for commercial drivers to have problems with back, neck, hip, knee and other musculoskeletal problems. In addition: An American Journal of Preventive Medicine  study of American drivers concluded that each of time driving was associated with a 6% increase in the odds of becoming obese. A National Library of Medicine research study reported that commercial drivers also have higher rates of smoking.

What Are the Negative Physical Effects of Commercial Driving?

New medical research continues to reinforce that prolonged sitting has serious negative consequences on health. This includes drivers who earn their living driving fleet vehicles for pick-ups, deliveries, and service calls. The most recognized medical conditions that affect many commercial drivers are:

  • Obesity
  • Heart problems
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol

However, there are a host of other negative physical effects of commercial driving, including circulatory problems & back problems.

The top 2 circulatory problems that many commercial drivers face include:

  • Varicose veins – Commercial drivers develop varicose veins (obvious veins that appear near the surface of the skin because the blood moving through a driver’s legs pools because of prolonged sitting).
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis – With DVT, drivers can experience life-threatening blood clots in their legs because of sitting too long. DVT can literally take a driver off-line for two months because that’s the waiting time to clear up the problem with blood thinners and increased movement.

Back pain is another medical condition that arises for many commercial drivers. Again, the culprit is prolonged sitting. This prolonged sitting can compress spinal disks which is intensely painful, as well as strain back muscles, especially if a driver is slouching at the wheel.

How Does RouteSavvy Ease The Negative Physical Effects of Commercial Driving?

RouteSavvy Route Optimization Software generates more efficient routes. Simply put, RouteSavvy reduces the amount of time a commercial driver has to sit in their driver’s seat to complete the day’s deliveries, pickups, service calls, or sales calls. With more efficient routing from RouteSavvy, commercial drivers can shorten their driving day – with a whole host of benefits resulting from less time in a seated position.

When fleet managers deploy RouteSavvy route optimization software, they also save on fuel costs and they help prevent the negative physical effects of commercial driving for their employees or contract workers. This helps retain commercial drivers and helps lower the health care costs of the company operating the fleet.

Do your drivers a favor & give RouteSavvy Route Optimization Software for small to mid-sized fleets a try with our Free, 14-day Trial.

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