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RouteSavvy Helps Reduce Commercial Driver Turnover

For managers of small to mid-sized fleets looking to reduce commercial driver turnover, RouteSavvy Route Optimization Software is a surprising way to help address this massive problem.

Did you know: The turnover rate of driving big rigs is a whopping 94% according to researchers from the American Trucking Association.

While the statistics for driving smaller commercial vehicles is not as readily available, it’s clear that America is facing a crisis: a shortage of commercial drivers in general. And the industry has few answers for the problems that plague truck drivers.

The good (and surprising) news is that RouteSavvy route optimization software can help reduce turnover in small to mid-sized fleets.

Why is Turnover So High for Commercial Drivers?

The Washington Post did a story in 2018, and interviewed truck drivers to find out why the turnover rates are so high. The WaPo reporters found the following beefs by drivers from all over the United States:

  1. Missed Family Time: Some trucks drivers said they were on the road so much that they did not get to spend quality time with their children.
  2. Missed Time with Spouses: Because drivers spent so much time on the road, their romantic relationships suffered as well. One truck driver said he’s been divorced twice because of this problem.
  3. Weight Gain: Drivers said they were gaining weight because they spent so much time driving that the sedentary lifestyle trashed their metabolism.
  4. Frustration with Traffic: Some commercial drivers also said that traffic has gotten so bad that they spent much of their day idling in traffic jams.
  5. Lower Pay Than Decades Ago: Many truckers interviewed for the story said their employers either lied to them about how much time they’d spend on the road, or simply didn’t know how to calculate drive times accurately enough.
  6. Equipment Breakdowns: The American Trucking Association research study also found that commercial drivers were stressed and tired of driving vehicles that were not maintained or old, and broke down.

RouteSavvy Helps Fleet Managers Address Common Complaints of Commercial Drivers, Thus Reducing Turnover

For small to mid-sized fleets, RouteSavvy route optimization software addresses & resolves the bulk of complaints voiced by commercial drivers. Let’s look at how:

  • Missed Family Time Resolved: RouteSavvy generates more efficient routing which results in less miles driven and handling more deliveries, pick-ups, or service calls during a normal workday. The average small fleet driver is not doing long-haul driving. But they are still subject to overtime that keeps them away from their families. RouteSavvy helps reduce overtime labor costs which the fleet managers appreciate. RouteSavvy also reduces the amount of overtime a driver has to put in, and allows them to go home at a decent hour and spend time with loved ones.
  • Weight Gain Mitigated: When drivers finish their driving routes on time, they spend less time in a sedentary position and have more free time to get to the gym. (Note: RouteSavvy cannot resolve this problem if drivers are eating junk food all day.)
  • Frustration with Traffic Mitigated: RouteSavvy offers more efficient routing which helps drivers spend less time in traffic in general. For those using the RouteSavvy Application Program Interface (API), the RouteSavvy API offers a predictive traffic function that was introduced in 2018. This predictive traffic function allows route optimizers to plan a multi-stop route based on when the route will be driven. This is accomplished because historical data on known traffic patterns (such as at rush hour) are incorporated into the calculations for the most efficient route. This helps minimize the amount of time drivers spend idling or inching along in rush hour traffic.
  • Lower Pay Mitigated: RouteSavvy significantly improves fleet profitability by dropping fuel costs which comprise 60% of a fleet’s operating costs. Fleet managers who want to keep their drivers have extra budget to incent their drivers to stay.
  • Equipment Breakdowns Mitigated: The fewer miles a fleet of vehicles drive, the less wear and tear the vehicles undergo. RouteSavvy helps reduce wear and tear on vehicles.

RouteSavvy route optimization software offers a host of obvious benefits: lowered fuel costs, lowered overtime costs, increased profitability, and more. RouteSavvy also addresses the problem of commercial driver turnover, which also reduces operational costs for small to mid-sized fleets. Dealing with commercial driver turnover issues & looking for help on ways to reduce commerical driver turnover? Check out, and try our Free, 14-day Trial.

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