RouteSavvy Pricing

If you’re looking for route planning software for your small to mid-sized fleet, RouteSavvy pricing will fit your budget. Why?

It’s one of the most powerful – and most high-value – route planning software solutions on the market today. 

RouteSavvy Pricing​

RouteSavvy Pricing

Monthly pay as you go. Only pay for what you use.

$30 per month recurring charge. $99 one-time new account activation fee

Up to 30 credits per month. 

Every 100 locations added = 1 credit.
Every route created = 1 credit.

* Payment via credit card or ACH-eCheck required. Payment method used will be automatically authorized for future monthly auto-payments. Cancel any time ($99 fee will apply for future re-activation of any cancelled accounts).
* On each month’s recurring payment date, previous calendar month’s credit usage will be applied. <=30 credits: standard $30 base auto-charge, 30-60 credits: $60 ($30*2), 60-90 credits: $90 ($30*3), and so on based on 30 credit increments, $30 per increment. Credit usage report will be provided via email notification after payment auto-charge for any month >$30 base charge.

RouteSavvy Route Planning Features​

RouteSavvy Mobile + GPS Tracker Features

RouteSavvy Brings A MASSIVE Return on Investment (ROI)

Our customers report saving upwards of 10 times their monthly investment.