RouteSavvy User Guide – 2.3 – Single Address Import
There are multiple ways to add a single addresses to RouteSavvy, which can be repeated if you have multiple addresses. If you have many addresses, try using the Data Wizard in the previous section.
1) Location Quick Add
The “Address…” text box allows you to type in an address to add to your RouteSavvy project.

As you type the address, look for the full address in the list of suggestions below the search box. When you see the correct full address, click on it, which will populate the full address into the search bar.
Then click the “Flag” button beside the search bar to add the address to your project under the default “My Locations” folder.
If you are unsure of the address, you can click on the “Zoom to Location” button next to the flag button. It looks like an upside-down teardrop. This will center the map view on the address so you can verify it is in the correct area.
You can edit the added location using the normal edit tools.
You may also search here by Point of Interest (POI), such as popular businesses, airports, and government buildings, etc.
2) “Add Location” Button
Clicking the “Add Location” button opens the Add Location Dialog.
Here you can enter address fields, notes and other information. You can select an existing Folder name, otherwise the default “My Locations” folder will be used. Icon styles can be selected. Adding address information will automatically trigger a geocode to look up the latitude and longitude. You can also copy and paste latitude and longitude from other applications into the matching fields.
Select Save to add the location to the map, which will then display and center on that location. Repeat as needed.
3) Add Location from Map
This can be done by either right-clicking on the map location to add an address or using the map tools. Both options will use the latitude and longitude from the map location and perform a reverse geocode to populate the street address values. These options are useful if you know the location from the aerial image etc, but don’t know the street address.
Right-click the map and select “Add a New Location”
Or from the map tools, select the flag icon, then left-click the location on the map where you want to add the new location.
If you have questions contact RouteSavvy Support.