Coming in October: Top Multi Stop Route Planner Features

Coming in October, our informative blogs from the folks at will cover the top features in a multi stop route planner that will transform (seriously improve) the operations of small to mid-sized fleets.

No question, a Multi Stop Route Planner is the key to significantly improving operations, reducing fuel costs, reducing overtime labor costs, and saving the office staff hours of time planning routes.

But there are specific features that have the potential to make a huge difference and transform fleet operations for the better.

We’ll focus on key features and functions in a multi stop route planner that make huge contributions to improving the bottom line. We’ll explain how they work and why these top features and functions have such a powerful and positive impact on the operations of small to mid-sized fleets.

Here are a few interesting stats about why a multi stop route planner can have such a big effect on the bottom line:

  • Fuel Costs Are the Biggest Operational Cost: According to transportation industry surveys, the top operational cost of a fleet is FUEL. (It’s typically 60% of the budget.) Route planning software reduces that fuel spend each day, week, and month by reducing miles driven through more efficient routing.
  • Route Planners Save Office Staff Time: While many route planner tools focus on saving fuel costs and driver time, it’s just as important to save office staff time. Based on a series of case studies and interviews with RouteSavvy customers, most office staffers in charge of planning routes are saving at least 2 hours per WEEK. We suggest you talk with your route planners, ask them if they’d like to be able to save 2 hours per week on a tedious job, and see their reaction.

As always, please check out blog library for many, helpful, “quick-read” articles on route planning software, how it works, and how it improves operations.

If you’re already using RouteSavvy, congratulations! You’re improving your operations, and keeping your route planner sane. For those who’ve not yet made the jump, try our Free, 14-day Trial.

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